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Snowplow Neo4j Integration
Integrate Snowplow with Neo4j and create a graph with Snowplow behavioral data.
Snowplow SDKs
Website, App, Server Events
Cloud Hosted Snowplow
Graph Database
Ready to dive in?Try Free.
Why use Snowplow Neo4j integration?
Neo4j is the leading graph database powering enterprises in fraud detection, knowledge graphs, real-time recommendations, identity management, social networking, data compliance, etc.
Neo4j now offers a cloud-hosted Neo4j database named Aura, making graph databases accessible to SMBs.
With the Snowplow Neo4j integration, you can ingest your behavioral data into a Neo4j graph, enabling you to explore the data in new ways.
What you can do with Neo4j Snowplow Integration
- Marketing Attribution
- Account Based Marketing
- Identity Resolution
- Fraud Detection
- Privacy Compliance
- Recommendation Engine