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We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our website, demo our services, and show you personalized content.
By clicking ”Accept,” you agree to SnowcatCloud's Privacy Policy and use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy .
We do not sell or share your personal information. You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking “Privacy Settings.” in the footer and removing any existing cookies from your browser.
Why use Snowplow with FingerprintJS
FingerprintJS can augment the context surrounding Snowplow events by adding device fingerprint information to the event. This can effectively help identify a device even when cookies have been deleted.
Augmenting Snowplow data with an additional unique identifier can be especially useful in fraud detection such as account sharing, paywall avoidance, and more (see customer knowledge graph with Snowplow+Neo4j).
Integration Options
Option 1: Using FingerprintJS with Snowplow
Using this option you can use open source Fingerprint JS with a custom schema. We recommend that you download the file
and host it in your website domain.
// Added so Snowplow waits for FingerprintJS
(async () => {
(function(p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
if (!p[i]) {
p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
p[i] = function() {
(p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
n = l.createElement(o);
g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
n.async = 1;
n.src = w;
g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);
// Tracker Initialization
snowplow("newTracker", "sp", "", {
appId: "your-app-id",
discoverRootDomain: true,
cookieSameSite: "Lax",
// Replace with your FingerprintJS Open Source or Pro URL.
const fp = await import('');
const fpJs = await fp.load();
const result = await fpJs.get();
console.log('Fingerprint:' + result.visitorId + ' score:'+result.confidence.score)
// Inline Snowplow Plugin
const fingerprintJS = {
FingerprintContext: function() {
return {
contexts: () => {
return [{
schema: 'com.fingerprintjs/fingerprint/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: {
visitorId: result.visitorId,
confidence: {
score: result.confidence.score,
}, ];
window.snowplow('addPlugin:sp', fingerprintJS, 'FingerprintContext');
Option 2: Using FingerprintJS Pro visitorId in Snowplow user_id
The most straightforward integration is to pass the FingerprintJS Pro visitorId to Snowplow in the user_id field. Please note that using this method, we do not capture information like confidence score and requestId in Snowplow.
Snowplow JS Tracker V3
var initSnowplow = function (fpjsVisitorId) {
// Loading tracker with the Snowplow tag
(function (p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
if (!p[i]) {
p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
p[i] = function () {
(p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
n = l.createElement(o);
g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
n.async = 1;
n.src = w;
g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);
// Tracker Initialization
snowplow("newTracker", "sp", "", {
appId: "your-app-id",
discoverRootDomain: true,
cookieSameSite: "Lax",
// Set the user ID
snowplow("setUserId", fpjsVisitorId);
// Replace with your FingerprintJS Open Source or Pro URL.
import("<< YOUR KEY >>")
.then((FingerprintJS) => FingerprintJS.load())
.then((fp) => fp.get())
.then((result) => initSnowplow(result.visitorId))
.catch((error) => {
// use your favorite error reporting tool
.finally(function () {
// optional
// do some guaranteed post-processing here
Option 3: Use FingerprintJS Pro with Snowplow self-describing event
Snowplow uses schemas to provide additional metadata to each event. SnowcatCloud created two Snowplow schemas, one for the visitor id and the other for webhooks. To use FingerprintJS Pro with Snowplow using this method (and webhooks), please download the FingerprintJS schemas and install them in your Snowplow Pipeline.
var initSnowplow = function (fpjs) {
(function (p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
if (!p[i]) {
p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
p[i] = function () {
(p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
n = l.createElement(o);
g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
n.async = 1;
n.src = w;
g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);
// Tracker Initialization
snowplow("newTracker", "sp", "", {
appId: "your-app-id",
discoverRootDomain: true,
cookieSameSite: "Lax",
// Set the user ID
snowplow("setUserId", fpjs.visitorId);
snowplow("trackSelfDescribingEvent", {
event: {
schema: "iglu:com.fingerprintjs/fingerprint/jsonschema/1-0-0",
data: {
visitorId: fpjs.visitorId,
visitorFound: fpjs.visitorFound,
requestId: fpjs.requestId,
confidence: {
score: fpjs.confidence.score,
console.log("====" + fpjs.visitorId + "====");
// Replace with your FingerprintJS Open Source or Pro URL.
import("<< YOUR KEY >>")
.then((FingerprintJS) => FingerprintJS.load())
.then((fp) => fp.get())
.then((result) => initSnowplow(result))
.catch((error) => {
// use your favorite error reporting tool
.finally(function () {
// optional
// do some guaranteed post-processing here
Use the Snowplow Collector to receive FingerprintJS webhooks
Snowplow collectors can also receive and process FingerprintJS webhook events (requires instalation of FingerprintJS schemas in your Snowplow pipeline).
The FingerprintJS Pro webhook events will be processed and stored with your Snowplow event data, which you can easily query by looking for app_id=fp-webhook.
Add a webhook with the following URL (Copy paste exactly, only change the hostname to your Snowplow collector).