SnowcatCloud, Inc.

Privacy Settings

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our website, demo our services, and show you personalized content.

By clicking ”Accept,” you agree to SnowcatCloud's Privacy Policy and use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy .

We do not sell or share your personal information. You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking “Privacy Settings.” in the footer and removing any existing cookies from your browser.



Opensnowcat/Snowplow Shopify integration

This integration aims to collect accurate data from visitor's behavior and order data. To achieve this, we collect ORDERS via server-side and all frontend behavior via client-side JS tracker.

Note that all events on the frontend have a com.shopify/cart schema with the cartId, which is the necessary key to join with backend data (orders).


For one-click Shopify Snowplow Integration check the Shopify App: Snowplow Event Tracker

Event tracking is separated into two components to increase accuracy. Catalog browsing and Orders.

Orders and checkouts are tracked via webhooks (server to server), while catalog browsing is tracked client-side.

The implementation works by initially firing a cart token and a pageview, effectively associating the visitor (and its attributes, including marketing) with a cart id.

Once the visitor initiates the checkout, events are sent via Shopify webhooks (server to server). Because cart is linked to checkout and checkout to order, you can effectively tie catalog browsing with orders.

Download our Snowplow Chrome Debugger to observe Snowplow events. See docs.

Catalog browsing

Catalog browsing events are tracked client-side using Snowplow Javascript SDK.

  1. Change to your SnowcatCloud collector.
  2. Change the appId.
  3. Host sp.js on your domain under a random name .js to avoid blockers (Optional).


Test before deploying. Install our Chrome Chrome extension for easy debug (see above). Go to the Shopify website and remove the cookie "cart", if it exists. Paste the code below in the console, you should see the cart cookie created, and once you navigate to the Snowplow Debugger tab you should see a pageview with a com.shopify/cart payload. Be sure to use your valid SnowcatCloud collector.

Snowplow Shopify Cart Integration

The script below does two things:

  • Records domain_userid, network_userid and domain_sessionid in the cart attributes.
  • Adds a Shopify cart schema with the cart token on every pageview, effectively linking cart (and order) with Snowplow behavioral data.
// Parses and returns any cookie
function getCookie(name) {
    let re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)");
    let value = re.exec(document.cookie);
    return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null;

// Gets Snowplow session cookie details
function getSnowplowDuid(cookieName) {
  var cookieName = cookieName || '_sp_';
  var matcher = new RegExp(cookieName + 'id\\.[a-f0-9]+=([^;]+);?');
  var match = document.cookie.match(matcher);
  var split = match[1].split('.');
  if (match && match[1]) {
    return { 
      'domain_userid': split[0], 
      'domain_sessionidx': split[2], 
      'domain_sessionid': split[5]
  } else {
    return false;

// Initializes Snowplow (once per page load)
async function initSnowplow() {
    // Loading tracker with the Snowplow tag
    (function(p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
        if (!p[i]) {
            p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
            p[i] = function() {
                (p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
            p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
            n = l.createElement(o);
            g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
            n.async = 1;
            n.src = w;
            g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);

    // Tracker Initialization
    window.snowplow("newTracker", "sp", "", {
        appId: "test",
        discoverRootDomain: true,
        cookieSameSite: "Lax",
        contexts: {
            webPage: true,
            performanceTiming: true,

    // If ?userId query url param exist set it as Snowplow user id.
    // Do not use emails or PII. Hash before sending in the url.
    window.snowplow('setUserIdFromLocation', 'userId');


// Update/create a cart with note attributes 
// for each of our SnowcatCloud cookie identifiers.
async function setAttributeAndTrackPageView() {

    // Snowplow callback, waiting to get the cookie
    window.snowplow(async function() {
        let sp = this.sp;
        let domainUserId = sp.getDomainUserId();

        const result = await fetch("/cart/update.js", {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Accept": "application/json"
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "attributes": {
                    "domain_userid": domainUserId,
                    "network_userid": getCookie('sp') || null,
                    "domain_sessionid": getSnowplowDuid()["domain_sessionid"] || null

        // Wait and set the cartId to the result
        const response = await result.json();
        let cartId = response?.token;

        // Some Shopify Instances don't return the token on cart/update.json,
        // Let's try to get it through cart.js
        if (!cartId) {
            // If the token is still empty, fetch the cart to get the token
            const cartResult = await fetch('/cart.js');
            const cart = await cartResult.json();
            cartId = cart.token;

        let context = [{
            schema: "iglu:com.shopify/cart/jsonschema/1-0-0",
            data: {
                id: cartId,
                token: cartId,
        }, ];

        window.snowplow("trackPageView", {

// Try to initSnowplow, set the cart attributes
// and track a pageview with cart context.

try {
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Couldn't fire Snowplow with cart id")

Shopify Cart + FingerprintJS Integration

Using Shopify + FingerprintJS will allow you to create a browser fingerprint for every device and send that information to both the cart attributes and Snowplow. This is specially useful to identify customers who delete their cookies (or cookies expire).

(async function() {

    // Parses and returns any cookie
    function getCookie(name) {
        let re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)");
        let value = re.exec(document.cookie);
        return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null;

    // Gets Snowplow session cookie details
    function getSnowplowDuid(cookieName) {
    var cookieName = cookieName || '_sp_';
    var matcher = new RegExp(cookieName + 'id\\.[a-f0-9]+=([^;]+);?');
    var match = document.cookie.match(matcher);
    var split = match[1].split('.');
    if (match && match[1]) {
        return { 
        'domain_userid': split[0], 
        'domain_sessionidx': split[2], 
        'domain_sessionid': split[5]
    } else {
        return false;

    // Initializes Snowplow (once per page load)
    async function initSnowplow(fingerprintJS) {
        // Loading tracker with the Snowplow tag
        (function(p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
            if (!p[i]) {
                p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
                p[i] = function() {
                    (p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
                p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
                n = l.createElement(o);
                g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
                n.async = 1;
                n.src = w;
                g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);

        // Tracker Initialization
        window.snowplow("newTracker", "sp", "", {
            appId: "test",
            discoverRootDomain: true,
            cookieSameSite: "Lax",
            contexts: {
                webPage: true,
                performanceTiming: true,

        // If ?userId query url param exist set it as Snowplow user id.
        // Do not use emails or PII. Hash before sending in the url.
        window.snowplow('setUserIdFromLocation', 'userId');

        // add FingerPrintJS plugin
        window.snowplow('addPlugin:sp', fingerprintJS, 'FingerprintContext');


    // Update/create a cart with note attributes 
    // for each of our SnowcatCloud cookie identifiers.
    async function setAttributeAndTrackPageView(visitor) {

        // Snowplow callback, waiting to get the cookie
        window.snowplow(async function() {
            let sp = this.sp;
            let domainUserId = sp.getDomainUserId();

            const result = await fetch("/cart/update.js", {
                method: "POST",
                headers: {
                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
                    "Accept": "application/json"
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    "attributes": {
                        "domain_userid": domainUserId,
                        "network_userid": getCookie('sp') || null,
                        "domain_sessionid": getSnowplowDuid()["domain_sessionid"] || null,
                        "fpjs.visitorId": visitor.visitorId,
                        "fpjs.confidence.score": visitor.confidence.score

            // Wait and set the cartId to the result
            const response = await result.json();
            let cartId = response?.token;

            let context = [{
                schema: "iglu:com.shopify/cart/jsonschema/1-0-0",
                data: {
                    id: cartId,
                    token: cartId
            }, ];

            window.snowplow("trackPageView", {


    try {

        // Replace with your FingerprintJS Open Source or Pro URL.
        const fp = await import('');
        const fpJs = await fp.load();
        const result = await fpJs.get();

        // initialize FingerPrintJS
        const fingerprintJS = {
            FingerprintContext: function() {
                return {
                    contexts: () => {
                        return [{
                            schema: 'iglu:com.fingerprintjs/fingerprint/jsonschema/1-0-0',
                            data: {
                                visitorId: result.visitorId,
                                confidence: {
                                    score: result.confidence.score
                        }, ];

        // Try to initSnowplow, set the cart attributes and FingerprintJS
        // Track a pageview with cart and FingerprintJS context.
        await initSnowplow(fingerprintJS);
        await setAttributeAndTrackPageView(result);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Couldn't fire Snowplow!")

Checkout & order creation

Checkout and order creation are senthrough webhooks. In your Shopify store admin add the following webhooks:

ORDER create

Example SQL Queries

Behavioral Data with Cart Token

Get all the events with cart token.

// Snowflake
  ,contexts_com_shopify_cart_1[0][ 'token' ] :: string as cart_token 
  contexts_com_shopify_cart_1 IS NOT NULL
  collector_tstamp DESC 

Shopify Orders via Webhook

The query below lists all the orders that arrived via webhook. You can use the cart_token as a key to join with the previous query.

// Snowflake
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'id' ] :: string AS order_id
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'browser_ip' ] :: string AS browser_ip
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'checkout_id' ] :: string AS checkout_id
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'checkout_token' ] :: string AS checkout_token
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'cart_token' ] :: string AS cart_token
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'browser_ip' ] :: string AS user_ipaddress
  ,unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1 // Inspect the entire webhook payload
  unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1 IS NOT NULL 
  collector_tstamp DESC 

Shopify Order Note Attributes

Flatten the Shopify order note attributes for matching with third party systems (another way to join).

// Snowflake
  unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'id' ] :: string AS order_id, 
  LOWER(value : name):: string AS note_attribute_key, 
  LOWER(value : value):: string AS note_attribute_value 
  lateral flatten (
    input => unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1[ 'note_attributes' ]
  unstruct_event_com_shopify_order_1 IS NOT NULL 