SnowcatCloud, Inc.

Privacy Settings

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our website, demo our services, and show you personalized content.

By clicking ”Accept,” you agree to SnowcatCloud's Privacy Policy and use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy .

We do not sell or share your personal information. You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking “Privacy Settings.” in the footer and removing any existing cookies from your browser.


User Guide


Go to your Magento or Adobe Commerce admin and navigate to Stores > Configuration > SnowcatCloud.

Under General Configuration change Enabled from No to Yes.

General Configuration

Server-side Tracking

In the Server-side Tracking tab change No to Yes, which will send an Ecommerce Transaction to the OpenSnowcat/Snowplow collector via server-side.

Frontend Tracking

Enable frontend events tracking using Snowplow Javascript SDK by selecting Yes from the Enabled dropdown. Consult Snowplow Javascript Tracker for additional information on the initialization options.

How to leverage collected data

The extension collects behavioral data for all visitors navigating through the website.

NOTICE: When a user is logged in, their internal Magento customer ID is collected in OpenSnowcat / Snowplow as the user_id. This facilitates identifying all customer's devices.

To enable marketing attribution, customer segmentation, and other use cases we record the primary OpenSnowcat / Snowplow identifier (network_userid) in quote and sales_order.

  • Account - You can access all customer network_userids for a given customer by querying OpenSnowcat/Snowplow events table.
Get customer devices identified by network_userid
  • Quote (Cart) - When the visitor creates a cart (quote) the network_userid is recorded in the quote table, column sp_network_userid.
  • Order - When an order is created, the network_userid of the cart that generated the order is passed into the order and recorded in the sales_order table in the sp_network_userid column.

This level of granularity gives you the most flexibility for any analysis at the customer level, quote, or order level.